Monday, February 22, 2010

First and about

This is my first attempt on a gaming "site" and I hope it will become good enough for people to read. This is not only for others pleasure, it's also a training for me in writing.
English is not my first language so I hope y'all will have an understanding for some strange things in my articles. I am going to try as hard as I can to not to make any mistakes but it will occur. I will appreciate all the help I can get with spelling and such.
Now to what this blog is all about! I'm not going to review games that often, because it's enough blogs and sites out there that already does all that. I'm going to talk (write) about what happens in the game, what i feel and think in specific moments and what i did. I have planned to write a "play through" with Heavy Rain when it comes out. I'm going to write a summary every hour or so about what happens, what i did, what the consequence of my actiones was. So alot of spoilers! I won't do that with every game and I'll probably write a non spoiler article about the game after I'm done. Other than that I'll write about fun/horriable things that might happen when i play games. I'm not sure what other stuff I'll be doing with the blog, but i hope I'll get the chanse expand on what I do.
I hope this introduction sparked atleast a small intrest and I hope I don't dissapoint!

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